About Me
I'm a senior at UC San Diego studying Computer Science. My primary research interests are in programming languages (program synthesis), computability theory, and compiler construction.
My PGP key fingerprint is 9F51 F2E5 AA9C 08A2 5958 02C8 8999 1001 F2D4 6DF4
My passions outside of Computer Science are education and activism. I support a number of causes and organizations, including the Armenian Youth Federation - Western Region and Student Voice.
Some of my favorite movies are The Usual Suspects, Django Unchained, and Moonrise Kingdom. My all time favorite TV shows include LOST, Breaking Bad, Mr. Robot, and Game of Thrones. I read books from time to time, and among my favorites are The Sun Also Rises and Catch-22. (Currently reading: One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest)
I was born and raised in Pasadena, CA, home of Caltech, JPL, and a number of other high-tech institutions. I went to Aveson Global Leadership Academy, which let me direct my learning in an unprecedented way and helped shape my views on learning and education.